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Ignasi ha impulsat
Ignasi ha impulsat
Ignasi ha impulsat

People ask me, "Hey unfashionable Bayesian man, how can I fit those rad generative network models from your course?" Well with my colleagues Dan and Cody, I wrote a package to make it easy. Easier. Okay it's possible now. Open access and open source. besjournals.onlinelibrary.wile

Ignasi ha impulsat

How can we fix academic publishing? I just wrote a new article outlining my thoughts on this based on all the attempts I've seen, what has worked and what has failed, and finishing with the strategy we developed for @ScholarNexus. I'd love to hear your feedback!

Ignasi ha impulsat

Sci-Hub is in essence a global NGO helping to provide the basic needs of science. Should be supported by the UN.

Ignasi ha impulsat

"The German government has launched a new Open Source software project called openDesk, which aims to reduce the country’s dependency on proprietary software vendors and support transparency and interoperability.

openDesk is a collection of #OpenSource software modules that are important for day-to-day work in the public sector, such as text creation, file collaboration, project management, email, calendar and messaging."

#FOSS #government #overheid #DigitalSovereignty

Ignasi ha impulsat

Report on the new initiatives to bring the digital infrastructures back under the control of academia:
"A new wave of support musters in the push for #openaccess publishing"

Ignasi ha impulsat

@brembs @jpooley @johanrooryck @petersuber @curvenote my fear is that it all will have been for nothing unless we take this issue seriously from the beginning. How do we stop this from being an issue? We need a publicly funded, high quality service that is so good in terms of low friction UX and making work discoverable that it makes commercial equivalents irrelevant. This can be done but I don't see it as being part of the conversation and it's very much not the sort of thing that the EU does, so it won't happen naturally without a strong push for it. A separate strand is that we have to kill off existing toxic brands like Nature etc. While it still exists, people will read it. If we agree and mandate that not one single dollar from public or private funders will go towards these specific, existing commercial publishers we might be able to succeed in changing the relationship between academia and commercial entities. But they can't be part of the solution. If we think they can and allow them to be part of the conversation, if we acknowledge them as valid stakeholders, then we're setting ourselves up for failure.

Ignasi ha impulsat

Organisms use a range of defense systems against #parasites. Using a #bacteria-#phage model system, @drbridgetwatson @edzewestra &co ask what drives the transient evolution of different systems; implications for #HostEcology & #pathogenicity #PLOSBiology

Ignasi ha impulsat

.@MartaShocket explores a #PLOSBiology study showing that, contrary to expectations, temperature fluctuations increased #parasite transmission, with implications for how #ClimateChange will impact infectious disease. Primer: Paper:

Ignasi ha impulsat

Definitely do not go to these websites to get free study books. Also, don't go to to unlock paywalls.,,,,,,,,

Ignasi ha impulsat
Ignasi ha impulsat

Celebrem els 30 anys de Debian, el nostre sistema operatiu preferit 🤩

Ignasi ha impulsat

Agroassetjament renovable.

Ens calen eines per respondre de forma ràpida a aquestes agressions i per obrir una nova lluita en defensa d’aquesta forma de vida, la pagesia en sentit ampli.

Ignasi ha impulsat
Ignasi ha impulsat

Thank you for rejecting our manuscript.

Sadly we are not able to accept your rejection at this time. We receive many rejections each year & are simply unable to accept them all. With increased pressure on citation rates & competitive funding structures we typically accept <30% of rejections received. Please don’t take this as a reflection of your work. The standard of some rejections we receive is very high.

In terms of factors influencing our decision, the failure by Reviewer1 to realise the brilliance of the study was certainly one. This, coupled with use of Latin quotes by Reviewer2, rendered acceptance of the rejection extremely unlikely.

We wish your editorial team every success with future rejections & hope they find safe harbour elsewhere.

Our decision regarding this rejection is final. We have uploaded the manuscript in its original form, along with a signed copyright transfer form. We look forward to receiving the proofs.

#science #academia

Ignasi ha impulsat

Pleistocene glaciations caused the latitudinal gradient of within-species genetic diversity:

Now in @EvolLetters by Emanuel M Fonseca, Tara A Pelletier, Sydney K Decker, Danielle J Parsons, and Bryan C Carstens

Ignasi ha impulsat

So, I've decided to drop this giant non-enshittified Python course out there for your ongoing amusement.

It's the same course I took on a decade-long world tour of corporate training. Some people who took it went on to do dumb things like land rovers on other planets and stuff. Anyways, enjoy!

Ignasi ha impulsat

I often get asked about Bayes factors and confidence intervals as alternative to p-values. I don’t think either of these is any solution at all.

Molt bones recomanacions sobre com impartir un curs introductori de visualització i anàlisi de dades amb R.

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