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Ignasi ha impulsat

Celebrem els 30 anys de Debian, el nostre sistema operatiu preferit 🤩

Ignasi ha impulsat

Agroassetjament renovable.

Ens calen eines per respondre de forma ràpida a aquestes agressions i per obrir una nova lluita en defensa d’aquesta forma de vida, la pagesia en sentit ampli.

Ignasi ha impulsat
Ignasi ha impulsat

Thank you for rejecting our manuscript.

Sadly we are not able to accept your rejection at this time. We receive many rejections each year & are simply unable to accept them all. With increased pressure on citation rates & competitive funding structures we typically accept <30% of rejections received. Please don’t take this as a reflection of your work. The standard of some rejections we receive is very high.

In terms of factors influencing our decision, the failure by Reviewer1 to realise the brilliance of the study was certainly one. This, coupled with use of Latin quotes by Reviewer2, rendered acceptance of the rejection extremely unlikely.

We wish your editorial team every success with future rejections & hope they find safe harbour elsewhere.

Our decision regarding this rejection is final. We have uploaded the manuscript in its original form, along with a signed copyright transfer form. We look forward to receiving the proofs.

#science #academia

Ignasi ha impulsat

Pleistocene glaciations caused the latitudinal gradient of within-species genetic diversity:

Now in @EvolLetters by Emanuel M Fonseca, Tara A Pelletier, Sydney K Decker, Danielle J Parsons, and Bryan C Carstens

Ignasi ha impulsat

So, I've decided to drop this giant non-enshittified Python course out there for your ongoing amusement.

It's the same course I took on a decade-long world tour of corporate training. Some people who took it went on to do dumb things like land rovers on other planets and stuff. Anyways, enjoy!

Ignasi ha impulsat

I often get asked about Bayes factors and confidence intervals as alternative to p-values. I don’t think either of these is any solution at all.

Molt bones recomanacions sobre com impartir un curs introductori de visualització i anàlisi de dades amb R.

Ignasi ha impulsat

Dear Mastodon friends, it's my pleasure to share this new manuscript on distinguishing gene flow from incomplete lineage sorting (ILS)


Ignasi ha impulsat

Starting around 1000 CE, the English began building lots of mill dams, and this blocked the migration pathways of lots of fish! Oh no!

They began eating far fewer freshwater fish like salmon, & evidence shows a marked shift to eating marine fish. It's a big of enough thing to get an awesome name:

The Fish Even Horizon

But eels can live out of water for a while, & travel overland if need be. So they could migrate around or over medieval dams.

And so the English kept eating eels. 'Cause eels!

Ignasi ha impulsat

There is no such thing as a “gene for language”. A short thread to help explain why.
In one branch of human genetics, scientists search for correlations between particular gene variants that people carry and variations in an observed trait (e.g. variability in the general population, or presence/absence of a particular clinical diagnosis – basically, anything that can be characterized or measured in an individual human being). “A gene for X” has become a convenient shorthand when talking about the associations that are detected between variation at these distant levels of genes and traits.
Unfortunately, all that “gene for X” talk fuels popular pervasive misconceptions of genes as mysteriously powerful abstract entities that can somehow directly specify traits, including key aspects of human behaviour. The biological reality is very far from this...1/3
#genetics #language #science

Ignasi ha impulsat

Another review for @PeerCommunityIn done -- if there is a right direction for the publishing system to move into, this is it. Let the means of intellectual production remain with the researchers.

Ignasi ha impulsat

Today's must-read by @johanrooryck et al.:

"Diamond is for everyone"

Delightfully straight talk, showing the path away from parasitic publishers to a modern scholarly information infrastructure.

#openscience #openaccess #diamondoa #oa

Ignasi ha impulsat

Map of night trains in Europe. In combination with high-speed trains and regional trains, a lot of destinations are one evening plus overnight away. Now if only oil subsidies would end, flight tickets wouldn’t be competitive, particularly with Interrail ticket schemes.

Higher resolution version at the website:

#Europe #Train #TrainTravel #Travel

Ignasi ha impulsat
Ignasi ha impulsat

Ultra-realistic simulations of 1.4 million human genomes generated by using a detailed pedigree of French Canadians as input to #msprime! These simulations are hugely useful for large-scale genomics methods development, because they are freely available, easy to download (2.8G for chr1), and efficient to process using #tskit. I hope they will become a standard benchmark across all sorts of methods.

Ignasi ha impulsat
Ignasi ha impulsat

How treating science as a business is detrimental to quality:

"[In 1999] it was made clear that if, for example, I produced one high-quality paper in two years, then that would not hurt my career; quality would stand above quantity.

In 2022 my department [...] called out some faculty for falling behind in productivity. The lowest average number of publications per year [...] was four [...] One of my colleagues had > 20 per year. That was not seen as problematic"


Ignasi ha impulsat

Is there any evidence that creating prizes and awards is a good way to encourage good behaviours? It's done a lot in science and universities but I've never seen any evidence about it one way or the other.

Ignasi ha impulsat

If you want to do something to help publishing serve authors instead of publishers, sign up for @PeerCommunityIn - add your name to the reviewers database, signup to be a recommender, and become part of a preprint-based, open, researcher-operated community of publishing. If you want to take it one step forward, there's also @PeerCommunityJournal!

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